How to build and run plugins from intellij-plugin repository?


I am trying to run IntelliJ Community edition with the open source plugins from
I would like to change an existing plugin (cucumber-java) from the intellij-plugins repo to test something out.

How can I connect the intellij-plugins repository with the intellij-community project so that building and running the IDE would include the plugins and pick up my changes to one of them?

I've tried including the cucumber-java project in modules.iml file, followed and added the following

List<String> bundledPluginModules = [""]
Permanently deleted user

Seems like I found the missing pieces, final solution:

1) Get IntelliJ Community Edition to build and run (follow

2) Clone 

3) Copy the folder of the plugin you want to change into intellij-community/plugins (or any other path, configured in step 4)

4) Register the .iml file in modules.iml to make the IDE recognise the folder as source files, e.g.

<module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/plugins/cucumber-java/" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/plugins/cucumber-java/" />

5) In case the plugin depends on other projects, repeat steps 3-4 also with those other projects

6) Register the plugin as dependency to the main project, edit to add e.g.

<orderEntry type="module" module-name="" scope="RUNTIME" />

7) Register the plugin to be bundled, following
at the time of writing, edit the bundledPluginModules in ProductModulesLayout.groovy e.g:

List<String> bundledPluginModules = [""]

Would be interested to know if any of the steps is too much or I should still add something?


You could create a local standalone project (Gradle or Devkit) for Cucumber plugin and deploy the locally modified version into a standard IJ Instance running from sandbox. Though your approach enables you to test with additional changes in platform or other dependent plugins at the same time.


I'm trying to use a modified version of the dart plugin in my local installation. The steps you listed are (at least now) also mentioned in the proejct's readme, but that only lets me run a sandboxed community IDE. Did you find a way to build a standalone .zip file for manual installation?


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