How do I remove orphans containers before each test?

Testing started at 11:34 AM ...
"[docker-compose://[C:\dev\drm-docker\docker-compose.yml, C:\dev\docker\drm-v2\docker-compose.yml]:drm-v2/]:php" /opt/.phpstorm_helpers/codeception.php run --report -o "reporters: report: PhpStorm_Codeception_ReportPrinter" --no-interaction -c /var/www/codeception.yml tests/api/src/Controller/Actions/Cases/ResetCaseCest.php
Found orphan containers (processor-api, rule-supervisor, case) for this project. If you removed or renamed this service in your compose file, you can run this command with the --remove-orphans flag to clean it up.
Starting drm-mysql ...
Starting drm-mysql ... doneCodeception PHP Testing Framework v3.1.1
Powered by PHPUnit 6.5.14 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
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Testing api

I have recently started using phpStorm for testing and I notice the following message appearing all the time:

Found orphan containers (processor-api, rule-supervisor, case) for this project. If you removed or renamed this service in your compose file, you can run this command with the --remove-orphans flag to clean it up.

I know about such flag from the CLI but wonder how I can achieve such tasks from within the IDE if it is possible as per today. Any ideas?


Unfortunately, there's no way to do that from the IDE:
Maybe it makes sense to switch to using `exec` instead? If your containers are not run and stopped on every test run, there will be fewer orphane containers.
This would only work of course if the service can run continuously.


Check out the doc:
It tells how to add command line flags in run Configurations.


@Liu docs are not clear to me and I am not running the container from within any configuration, having Codeception setup as remote does start the container automatically once a test is about to run. See my config for the interpreter:


Eugene Morozov thank you for your answer, I could use `exec` instead to avoid that message from appearing not an issue and let's hope this get integrated with the other option too.


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