phpstorm killed ALL node.js process even if it's not started by it

I'm using phpstorm 2019.2 on Macbook pro with macOS 10.15.

When I open or close a project in phpstorm, ALL node.js processes was killed with signal 9(SIGKILL), even if the node.js processes is not started with phpstorm, and even if the node.js processes do nothing.


For example:

1. Open a terminal ( I'm using iTerm )

2. run "node" command ( NO MATTER WHAT THE VERSION OF NODE.JS )

3. open phpstorm

4. open a project in phpstorm

5. NOW, the node is killed with signal 9!



I' have no idea to solve this problem

Hope someone help me, thanks a lot!!


Please upload you idea.log: Help | Show Log in Finder


Thanks a lot!

2019-10-28 14:31:45,132 [250360186] INFO - pl.projectlevelman.NewMappings - VCS Root: [Git] - [/Users/lijian/Documents/WebWorkSpace/InspectSystemV1]
2019-10-28 14:31:45,266 [250360320] INFO - rojectCodeStyleSettingsManager - Initialized from default code style settings.
2019-10-28 14:31:45,315 [250360369] INFO - PerformancePlugin - Performance Plugin is in silent mode
2019-10-28 14:31:45,897 [250360951] INFO - .diagnostic.PerformanceWatcher - Pushing JS language level to 15 libraries took 3ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
2019-10-28 14:31:45,901 [250360955] INFO - .diagnostic.PerformanceWatcher - Pushing properties took 172ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
2019-10-28 14:31:45,966 [250361020] INFO - .diagnostic.PerformanceWatcher - Indexable file iteration took 65ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
2019-10-28 14:31:45,967 [250361021] INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Unindexed files update started: 683 files to update
2019-10-28 14:31:46,370 [250361424] INFO - ge.ExternalProjectsDataStorage - Load external projects data in 0 millis (read time: 0)
2019-10-28 14:31:46,375 [250361429] INFO - j.ide.ui.OptionsTopHitProvider - 17 ms spent to cache options in project
2019-10-28 14:31:46,382 [250361436] INFO - .diagnostic.PerformanceWatcher - Post-startup activities under progress took 678ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
2019-10-28 14:31:47,119 [250362173] INFO - tartup.impl.StartupManagerImpl - /Users/lijian/Documents/WebWorkSpace/InspectSystemV1/.idea case-sensitivity: expected=false actual=false
2019-10-28 14:31:47,419 [250362473] INFO - Json.PackageJsonUpdateNotifier - processPackageJsonFiles []
2019-10-28 14:31:47,468 [250362522] INFO - tor.impl.FileEditorManagerImpl - Project opening took 2405 ms
2019-10-28 14:31:47,854 [250362908] INFO - rationStore.ComponentStoreImpl - Saving Project '/Users/lijian/Documents/WebWorkSpace/Financial/MainAPIServer/v2' MainAPIServerV2RunManager took 12 ms
2019-10-28 14:31:48,200 [250363254] INFO - mponents.impl.stores.StoreUtil - saveProjectsAndApp took 3051 ms
2019-10-28 14:31:52,135 [250367189] INFO - ings.impl.UpdateCheckerService - channel: release
2019-10-28 14:32:20,454 [250395508] INFO - .diagnostic.PerformanceWatcher - Unindexed files update took 34487ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: 0/34 sluggish, 1/34 very slow
2019-10-28 14:32:20,467 [250395521] INFO - cloudConfig.CloudConfigManager - === StatusBar ignored ===
2019-10-28 14:32:22,397 [250397451] INFO - ageJson.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 51 packages (5 with '@web-types' prefix) in 766ms (
2019-10-28 14:32:22,936 [250397990] INFO - ageJson.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 46 packages (0 with '@web-types' prefix) in 539ms (
2019-10-28 14:32:23,496 [250398550] INFO - ageJson.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 27 packages (0 with '@web-types' prefix) in 559ms (
2019-10-28 14:32:24,054 [250399108] INFO - ageJson.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 1 dist-tags, 30 versions for @web-types/bootstrap-vue in 557ms
2019-10-28 14:32:24,491 [250399545] INFO - ageJson.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 1 dist-tags, 44 versions for @web-types/quasar-framework in 436ms
2019-10-28 14:32:24,493 [250399547] INFO - ageJson.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 1 dist-tags, 115 versions for @web-types/vuetify in 641ms
2019-10-28 14:32:24,877 [250399931] INFO - ageJson.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 1 dist-tags, 8 versions for @web-types/quasar in 385ms
2019-10-28 14:32:24,877 [250399931] INFO - ageJson.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 1 dist-tags, 22 versions for @web-types/vue in 383ms
2019-10-28 14:33:08,236 [250443290] WARN - .impl.LineStatusTrackerManager - Tracker release underflow by com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.EditorImpl@93ec85
2019-10-28 14:33:11,109 [250446163] INFO - mponents.impl.stores.StoreUtil - saveProjectsAndApp took 172 ms


The log is generated after I open a project and then close it.


This issue disappeared when I removed ~/Library/Application Support/PhpStorm2019.2 and ~/Library/Preferences/PhpStorm2019.2 and reopen the PhpStorm.


I've found the reason of this issue!
It caused by a plugin 'Weex' by Darin (
When I install and enable this plugin, the issue occurred and disappeared when remove or disabled it.


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