Best way to debug a plugin for an executable app (KNIME) that launches it's own VM.
I am working on KNIME plugin developement. A knime plugin is a structured jar file eimilar to an Eclipse plugin, containing my classes, and meta infor for the loader, and is loaded into a VM that the executable package launches internally which is specified as a java 8 vm. It has command line arguments to set up it's VM for remote java debugging.
My goal to create an intellij debug/run config that will launch the app in the debugger in the same way (from the UI perspective) it would a java application.
My build will build the jar, and deploy it to the proper location for the KNIME program to load, and any intellij debug config can be set up to support the one click compile->jars->deploy->(launch plugin host in debugger) sequence.
Except for the last step of integrating the debug launch into the UI it all works.
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To attach to a remotely running JVM by debugger you use Remote Run/Debug Configuration. To execute specific steps (e.g. gradle tasks or another run configurations) before it you can use Before launch section of run/debug configuration.