How can I enable setting breakpoints to files that are not .js (.svelte for example)

Is there a way to configure this ?


Adding *.svelte to the list of registered patterns of a file type where JavaScript breakpoints are supported (JavaScript, HTML, TypeScript, etc.) in Settings | Editor | File Types is the only way to go


Thanks for the answer, but it doesn't seem to work. I added new file type and registered in the list of supported types but that changed nothing, I still cannot set breakpoints. Is this a bug or I failed to configure it properly?


You shouldn't have created a new file type, you should have added .svelte to the list of registered patterns of JavaScript file type. It does work

Permanently deleted user
Hi elena, your solution is not working well for me.
this in detail, if you have activated the "svelte" plugin.

if I follow your procedure, webstorm displays a dialog with the following choice:

"this wildcard is already registrered by 'Svelte Component' filetype"

if I reassign wildcard, breakpoints are enabled.
however I have a side effect in the "div" part of my svelte component.

between a "word of code" (see div example)  and the other word of code, therefore in a single space, a red error underline appears, the errors reported are of a different nature, but it is obvious that the svelte plugin no longer works.

if you want to test this simple code, call it: "test.svelte"

export let count = 0

const incrementCount = () => {
     count = count + 1

$: console.log (`the count is $ {count}`)
</ script>

{count} <button onclick = {incrementCount ()}> click for increment value of +1 </button>
</ div>

>"this wildcard is already registrered by 'Svelte Component' filetype"


this is expected, as Svelte plugin assigns *.svelte pattern to 'Svelte Component' filetype;


> the errors reported are of a different nature, but it is obvious that the svelte plugin no longer works.

sure, as the file is now treated as pure .html file, and svelte-specific syntax is not recognized


Permanently deleted user

hello Elena,
so as far as you write, I understand that at the moment there is no way to work quickly in webstorm. are you planning to support this emerging technology in the future?


Do you mean providing Svelte support? it's not in our nearest plans, sorry. See


Svelte is officially supported since the 2022.3 release.

To debug Svelte app, you need to start it (with npm run dev, or whatever command you normally use) and then set breakpoints in .svelte files and use the JavaScript Debug run configuration with your server URL (http://localhost:5173/, http://localhost:8080) to debug the application

Please see Svelte | WebStorm Documentation ( for more information


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