How to Change Files Tab Color ?
As you can see from the following I can barely read the file name and the background color is a strange turquoise. (I would like to change the turquoise to light blue and the file name to something darker than the extreme light gray please).
I am unsure how to change it without everything blurring into some odd color.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Hello Arthur,
it can be changed in Settings | Editor | Color Scheme | General (Editor - Tabs).
That did not work. As you can see in the image below I changed the colors and applied the color scheme but it had no effect.

Have you tried changing the background color? Does it work with the built-in schemes (I checked with Darcula changing the background color for the Selected Tab and it works fine, RubyMine 2019.3.1 RC)?
How is it working for you? As you can see the tabs are still turqoise and strange shades of blue. Attaching the images showing the changes applied :

Hi Olga Kuvardina, your suggestion worked . It was not reflecting in the IDE earlier but now it suddenly is after I restarted the computer and the IDE.
However it only changes the color of the selected tab only. As you can see from the image below the color of the rest of the tabs has not changed (see red arrow pointing to the rest of the tab). Any pointers on how to change that?
Arthur, you can also change the colors for the scopes (in this case active tab of a file from this scope will have the same color as the scope but more bright) in Settings | Appearance & Behavior | File Colors
Hi Arthur.
To return tabs background color you should disable "Accent Mode" in the Material Theme config
Just thought I'd add here - You can have different tab colours for different directories. For example, I wanted my server-side file tabs to be red and my client-side tabs to be green so that I could easily differentiate them.
As Olga stated, some config options exist in Settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> File Colors. What's important is that you can add your own directory colours by clicking 'Manage scopes'.
From the Scopes section, Click the `+` button, and then Local.
Next, expand down your project directory, click the directory you want, and then click 'Include Recursively'. This will auto-generate the regex pattern for you. Click Apply.
Go back to Settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> File Colors. Click the `+` button, navigate to the entry you created, and choose a colour.
Your files and tabs inside the specified directory will now have that colour within the IDE.