Splitting Variables, Frames and Debug tabs in to separate windows

I can float the debug window but I haven't figured out how to split the tabs variables, frames, debug into separate windows. Is this possible? Or just some way of seeing all three at the same time instead of having to tab between them?

I have an admittedly ridiculous amount of screen space (3 x 2 hi res screens) and I got used to being able to see all the information I wanted simultaneously.


I got a little along the way by using restore default layout so now I can always see the variables with frames but I still need to tab to console and then the former two disappear.


You can put them all with the console onto one tab by dragging console to the third (right) placeholder, see https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/debug-tool-window.html#move


That worked. It would be nicer to have the console in its own window for better placement,such as underneath the other two or on a different screen, but this is workable.

Permanently deleted user

Agree with first poster. After getting used to VS Code debugger console being a separate window on the bottom in the same space as the terminal, that config really makes sense. 

Also in VS Code: when focusing on debug console with Ctrl+Shift+Y, the evaluation caret is auto focused. That means just start typing an expression to be evaluated.


Agree with first poster. After getting used to VS Code debugger console being a separate window on the bottom in the same space as the terminal, that config really makes sense.

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Also in VS Code: when focusing on debug console with Ctrl+Shift+Y, the evaluation caret is auto focused. That means just start typing an expression to be evaluated.

You can execute Option(Alt)+F8 to open Evaluate Expression window. Feel free to go to IDEA-77769 and vote to stay updated.


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