Multiline initialization formatting
When I reformat my code I obtain that with 8 space instead of 4 :
I would like that :
Which are the settings to apply for that?
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The images look the same. Could you please recheck whether they are correct? Thanks!
Oops .. I have updated the image
Please go to File | Settings | Editor | Code Style | C/C++, open the "Tabs and Indents" tab and check what values you have in the "Indent" and "Continuation indent" fields.
Thank for your reply,
Here the settings :
Please try setting "Continuation indent" to 4
Well done, thanks !
And which is the setting to indent also the comments lines ?
Strange, on my side comments are aligned as on the second picture. What result do you get after Code | Reformat Code?
Yes :(
Found in "Wrapping and Braces" > "Keep when reformatting" > Uncheck "Comment at first"