Plugin building fails for IDEA 2020.1 EAP (plugin requires "com.intellij.modules.python-core-capable" plugin)
I just updated my plugin project so that it's build against IDEA 2020.1 EAP. However,
./gradlew buildPlugin
fails with the following error:
2020-02-11 21:33:47,279 [ 1237] ERROR - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - Problems found loading plugins:
The Python Community Edition (id=PythonCore, path=~/programmierung/java/intellij-plugins/intellij-postfix-templates/.sandbox/plugins/python-ce, version=201.4865.17) plugin requires "com.intellij.modules.python-core-capable" plugin to be installed
java.lang.Throwable: Problems found loading plugins:
The Python Community Edition (id=PythonCore, path=~/programmierung/java/intellij-plugins/intellij-postfix-templates/.sandbox/plugins/python-ce, version=201.4865.17) plugin requires "com.intellij.modules.python-core-capable" plugin to be installed
How can I manually install com.intellij.modules.python-core-capable or include it in the build configuration?
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Hello Stefan,
I'd like to start with a couple of suggestions that you should apply in your plugin:
1. Update org.jetbrains.intellij plugin to 0.4.16
2. Use JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 instead of 1_9
3. Some of the defined dependencies are already bundled in the SDK, so there is no need to attach them again (which causes plugin package to be bigger). I.e.
4. Do not duplicate the depends entries that refer to the same config-file:
Regarding the com.intellij.modules.python-core-capable module - what's the reason for adding that dependency? If you just want to limit some of the extensions i.e. just to PyCharm, please stick to the com.intellij.modules.python
Thanks for the tips, Jakub.
1. Updating the gradle intellij plugin solved already a problem (gradle could not download the IDE).
2. I'm using 1_8 now.
3. Removing jackson-databind did not work although I used the same version for jackson.dataformat as IDEA (2.10.2). Since I got this exception I included jackson-databind as dependency again:
4. I removed all *-capable dependencies. I'm not sure why I added them in the first place.
Although we could remove several issues the plugin still does not compile (buildSearchableOptions fails):
But maybe I better direct this issue to, since IDEA itself is able to build and run the plugin, only the gradle-intellij-plugin fails.
cc zolotov
I'm lost in the thread. What's the question exactly?
Python CE is not compatible with IDEA Ultimate and cannot be installed there, it's quite expected.
If the question is about this exception:
Then the problem is in `CodeFoldingConfigurable` apparently. Likely in one of the extensions came from plugins. It has nothing to do with gradle-intellij-plugin and likely you'll get the very same exception if you open Code Folding settings in the debug instance of the IDE.
You can easily debug `buildSearchableOption` to find the source of the exception, or just disable this task if you need searchable index prepared for your plugin
zolotov Thanks for your explanations. You're right. I also get this exception when I open the Code Folding settings. I debugged it and found that ScalaCodeFoldingOptionsProvider.this.getTitle() is called at some point which returns null and that leads later to the NullPointerException.
Thanks for the update. I'll notify Scala team about it