Emmet autocomplete classes, tags not working

When I use emmet to write CSS classes in HTML beginning with dot, the autocomplete, class suggestions doesn't work.

But autosuggestion for CSS classes works when the tag is created.

For example I used bootstrap class "container". Sor

.container - no autosuggestion

<div class="container"> - then autosuggestion, autocomplete works


I had classes autosuggestion working before I switched into EAP. The same with HTML tags.

This is how it looks like in VS Code

Please help, maybe I messed up something in settings.


Please vote for https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-397 to be notified on any progress with this feature


@Elena Pogorelova 

But PHPStorm natively support html/css auto-completion, but suddenly it stopped working with emmet


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