Hi, Dariusz.

Could you please try to add -G "NMake Makefiles JOM" to CMake option line in Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | CMake ?




Thanks for quick reply!


If you mean this >



Then I'm still compiling on 1 thread... only... do I need to pass flag to specify thread count?


I mean CMake options:

In Build Option lines you can provide options for jom.exe.



Ohh neat ! Thank you!

My Building Target just went from 2-4 min using JOM (QT) to about 10 seconds using the new flag! Amazing! - ok I take it back, its slow again... why does Qt build time the build target xxx is sooo slow comparing to QtCreator? Creator starts compiling nearly instantly and Clion is taking 2-4+mins per each compile - not compiling time... just  

Built target testApp_autogen
Scanning dependencies of target testApp

This is almost as fast as QtCreator/VS ones :- ))))

How can we control how many threads the tool will use?


Does it work if you add `-j 8` to the Build Option in Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | CMake ?


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