WebStorm + IdeaVim: problem with running Prettier on save

I have started evaluating WebStorm for JavaScript programming, but being long time Vim user - IdeaVim was one of the first plugins I have installed.

"Run Prettier on save" does not work when I save single file (":w"). It works perfectly well when I execute "save all files" (":wa"). This is probably due to the fact there is no "save single file" command in the command menu in WebStorm. "CTRL+S" shortcut is bound to "save all files" command.


  1. I do not use Prettier via File Watchers, I use the configuration available via: Settings -> Language & Frameworks -> JavaScript -> Prettier.
  2. content of the file is saved correctly when using "save single file" available via IdeaVim plugin (":w"), and it also works well with Prettier run via File Watchers.

I assume that change notification mechanism is not getting info that file content has been written to disk when saving single file instead of all files.

Question: would it be possible to have it fixed, so that saving single file would also result in firing actions that depend on file content being changed?

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