I cannot start cLion on win10


I am a starter for CLion and after I download CLion 2020.1 on my win10 I cannot start it by click both the shortcut on the desktop and the clion64.exe in the bin dir. But when I click the clion.bat, the clion will start normaly. I have used the pycharm for a short time, so I think my windows system has no problem, but why nothing happens after I click and how can I solve this problem.


My CLion version is 2020.1

the content of my clion64.exe.vmoptions is :




Please send the archived logs folder (Help | Show Log in ...) to clion-support at jetbrains.com. Note that logs might contain private user's information (like file paths and names). 

Permanently deleted user


I have the same problem since last update. It seems related to security signature. Here is an error I have when start silently fails:

2021-02-09 16:36:51,268 [ 6122] INFO - cloudConfig.CloudConfigManager - java.security.SignatureException: Signature length not correct: got 256 but was expecting 512 
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: java.security.SignatureException: Signature length not correct: got 256 but was expecting 512

The issue does not occur when using clion.bat.

Version: CLion 2020.3.2


I have the same problem. Anyone found the solution.

I have uninstalled and then reinstalled Clion but when I double click the icon or open using the start tab. It does not start. Nothing happens. Please help.


Jangid84529vijay Please send the archived logs folder to clion-support at jetbrains.com. Note that logs might contain private user's information (like file paths and names). 


Im having the same problem. Clion just shows up logo & dies. I think one of plugins breaks it, but there is no way to not install plugins when install clion via toolbox ;[ 

Request #3789954


This is frustrating, nothing works, the damn app wont start! ;[[[[[


Guys.I came across the same issue.The proper way to solve this is download the clion zip file and unzip it.

Then you can launch Clion by double click it. Anyway it works out for me.

Wish you guys  good luck. 


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