Add static imports disappears from contextual menu
I have no longer the option "add static imports" on ALT+ENTER in the contextual menu, I don't undertand why. I may have disabled this feature by mistake, or maybe it is a bug with the last version ?
How can we enable this feature again ?
Ultimate Edition
Build #IU-201.6668.121
Runtime 11.0.6+8-b765.25
OpenJDK 64b
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Please attach code example where it doesn't work and screenshot from "Settings | Editor | Intentions - Java - Imports"
Hi, thank you ! The option "Add single-member static import" was uncheck. Checking it solved my problem.

If it is not possible to change this option just by keyboard, there is maybe a bug somewhere which disable it because I never went in this option panel.
It could be disabled if intention action is called and then submenu is opened and "Disable ..." option is selected.