jupytext support of pycharm's jupyter notebook plugin.
Currently the pycharm can open the .ipynb files directly. OTOH, the jupytext ( https://github.com/mwouts/jupytext ) can let we convert among jupyter notebooks and scripts in many languages. But it seems that the currently implemented pycharm plugin for jupyter-notebook doesn't respect the settings of jupytext for paring/converting among types of file formats automatically.
Any hints?
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When you open .ipynb file in PyCharm, it is opened in converted form (similarly to the native Jupyter web app), which, as far as I know, doesn't use Jupytext as the backend, so the settings are not recognized. Please submit a feature request for Jupytext support and provide the use case and detailed description: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues
I'd like to be able to work in Intellij with python notebooks a plain python like it is possible with atom and the nteract plugin
Kindly review these for an idea: if you like it then can document a feature request
Was there already a feature request in progress? It might make the sanest way of using notebooks with version control, using PyCharm ....
Here is a related youtrack issue about integrating jupytext into Jetbrains DataSpell: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DS-951