Re-enable accidentally disabled inspection
Sometimes when using the `alt+enter` context-menuI accidentally disable the inspection from the sub-context-menu (`->` after `alt+enter`). I understand to go under `File | Settings | Editor | Inspections. But I cannot find the inspection I disabled. It does not show under the "only modified" filter. I cannot find it using the inspection panel search.
The current one is the inspection about "unchecked casts" that I want to ignore via `//noinspection unchecked`.
Relatedly, is there a way to disable the "Disable Inspection" from that context menu? As I said, its happened accidentally multiple times now and it is so frustrating.
Thanks in advance!
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Do you mean this inspection? If not, please share the code where it triggers.
> Relatedly, is there a way to disable the "Disable Inspection" from that context menu? As I said, its happened accidentally multiple times now and it is so frustrating.
Unfortunately, this pop-up is not customizable, request is welcome at .
That was it. Thank you Serge Baranov
I also accidentially unchecked an inspection. I cannot tell which one - I did not notice what was it. How do I know which inspection has just been disabled? It is not part of undo stack. Is there any log of what action user took to find the inspection there?
Inspections with a non-default state will be highlighted in the list:
Got it.
Not exactly guessable, but it is google-able on the Inet now.
Serge Baranov answer helped me to identify the error.