Icons aren't displaying on 2019.2+


I cannot figure out why, but for IntelliJ IDEs version 2019.2 and higher the icons for my custom plugin don't display correctly. They just show a black dot.

I have read this guide over and over https://www.jetbrains.org/intellij/sdk/docs/reference_guide/work_with_icons_and_images.html. My icons have been 16x16 the whole time. I've added 32x32 and 64x64 variants to no avail.

Overall I'm finding supporting multiple intellij versions very difficult to understand. I can just set the sinceBuild and untilBuild parameters in plugin.xml or build.gradle, but how are y'all testing to verify the truth of those version ranges? Are you really installing heaps of IDEs and versions and manually testing plugins on every version? A guide on testing and/or building for multiple platform versions would be extremely helpful.


Looks like a functional change in 2019.2 that exposed a bug in my code.


The solution is to treat icon paths as absolute paths instead of relative ones.


Thank you so much for posting this. This finally fixed the same issue I'd been encountering. Can I suggest that the EMPTY_ICON image should be something other than a single black pixel? It made it very hard to tell that it was simply the icon failing to load rather than the entire status widget not loading in my case.


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