Registering a custom REST endpoint framework
I have a plugin that has support for declaring REST endpoints (both via a declaration file and via in-language XQuery annotations).
Is it possible to implement an API so that these endpoints appear in the Endpoints tool window like frameworks supported by IntelliJ.
Kind regards,
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you should implement microservices.endpointsProvider Extension Point with extending the EndpointsProvider class.
Thanks for the information. Do you know what module I need to depend on in plugins.xml for this, and add to intellij.plugins in the gradle-intellij-plugin build.gradle file? Also, is there any documentation for it, as I cannot find it in the intellij-community project or the IntelliJ Platform SDK DevGuide.
In your plugin.xml file, you need to add
and in Gradle configuration:
Thanks. That works.
With IntelliJ 2020.1, using EndpointsProvider gives the error:
> 'com.intellij.microservices.EndpointsProvider' is scheduled for removal in version 202.2454
There is an EndpointsViewProvider that looks like it models the new Endpoints panel (framework > group > endpoint > details), but I don't see a plugin EP to register this.
What is the new way for registering endpoints?
Endpoint can be registered using configuration entry: