Disable inspection "wrong attribute value"


I'm working with svelte files and I would like to disable this inspection (at least for .svelte file)

I didn't find this inspection in the list! Is it possible to disable it somehow?

Thank you very much


I'm not sure where this error comes from... If it's HTML parser error, then it's not possible to suppress it (https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-23469). I'd also suggest asking the Svelte plugin authors for advice (https://github.com/tomblachut/svelte-intellij/issues), as .svelte files processing is handled by this plugin


Thank you

It's strange because unlike other inspections, I didn't find this one in the list of inspections to disable it altogether

Why do you think?

Thank you


You didn't find it because it's not an inspection but a low-level check. Unlike inspections, such checks can't be disabled/configured


Now I get it, I thought it was an inspection


Tunisoft Solutions have you found a solution for this one?


No sorry, I didn't find any solution for it!


Here's a workaround for OP's original issue.  It gets rid of the "Wrong attribute value" warning.

  1. Instead of "aria-hidden", use "@aria-hidden" (or "!!aria-hidden", etc)
  2. Add "@aria-hidden" as a custom HTML tag attribute.  (Settings -> Editor -> Inspections -> HTML -> Unknown attribute -> Custom HTML tag attributes)
  3. Use Svelte Preprocess to search-replace your code from "@aria-hidden" to "aria-hidden".  Config as follows:
// svelte.config.js

import preprocess from "svelte-preprocess";
const config = {
// ...
preprocess: preprocess({
replace: [[/@aria-hidden=/g, "aria-hidden="]],
// ...
export default config;



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