Commit Dialog: Keep Selected Files After Returning from Warning / Error Review


After I select some but not all of the unstaged files for commit put in my commit message and click commit, I may be presented with a warning. Such as a left-behind To-Do comment.

If I choose to review the error and I resolve it. Then I click commit again, my commit message is still there but my subset of unstaged files I had previously selected for the commit are lost. All of the unstaged files are selected.

Is there a way to have the commit message remember both my file selections and my draft commit message after dismissing and returning to the dialog during a review?


Hello jfoster

Please see here:

Could you also clarify which version of PyCharm are you running? 


Thanks for the reply and link @...

I see that the non-modal version retains the check box.

I tried that commit workflow when I got the handy notification of its existence a little while back.

The thing is, I rejected it because it did not seem to offer a good layout for looking at the diff changes. For example, when you click on individual file names, the diff preview is updated. 

I had a look at the non-modal version again now, and perhaps using a variety of local changes or the shelf how I'm supposed to use this? 

Even if intellij has a better idea for how the commit workflow should work, I think the existing modal should get this fix to retain the file selection list.

Here's my version info:

PyCharm 2020.1.1 (Professional Edition)
Build #PY-201.7223.92, built on April 29, 2020


Thank you for your reply jfoster

There is a feature request regarding selection in the modal commit dialog, please see and vote:

Please see ticket regarding double-click behavior in local changes:


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