Inspecting in debug is simply unusable (clion, mingw64) for STL containers
I have a simple vector myVec, but I cannot view a simple thing such as myVec.size(), it show me "{unsigned int} 2".
Cannot inspect the vector itself, here is what I'm getting
I'm not sure if this is a duplicate of because these exact same behaviors happening to me.
Really regretting purchasing clion, its way behind in simple stuff. Have to spend hours around these sort of things.
How do I get debug inspections to work ?
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1. Please attach a screenshot of `File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Toolchains` (please capture the screenshot after the compiler detection is completed).
2. Please specify where you downloaded your MinGW distribution.
See attached image.
MinGW was downloaded from
Hi Dror,
I see, there is a combination of 2 problems:
1. We don't bundle GDB for 64-bit processes on Windows, and
2. Your local GDB is not built with Python support (which is a bit weird, since MinGW's GDB usually comes with Python in our experience).
Please follow this ticket about bundling 64-bit GDB for Windows. As a workaround, please try using a different GDB, or pick another MinGW distribution (i.e. - don't forget to remove the old one from PATH or uninstall it).
Spend 1/2 a day installing MinGW over Cygwin, just to discover that SFML library will not compile under it.
The ticket you asked me to follow has no solution, just the problem.
Do you have a solution for me ?
Because if not, I think I will ask for a refund of the product, because I spend hours and hours on these type of problems all because of clion surprising limitations.
You cant debug with MingW, you cant debug with VS compiler, many many other limitations. I work with other JetBrains productions like PHP Storm, IntelliJ and this is far behind.
Tried the distribution you offered
CLion cannot even use it, does not recognize the environment.
Even after manually configuring make, ,gcc, c++ and gdb, still doesnt work.
Just a note: related thread -