Not able to change button style in InteliJ 2020.1
Before InteliJ Idea version 2020.1 button disable style worked as expected But in InteliJ 2020.1 button disable look isn't working properly.
JButton btn = new JButton();
So How to Overcome this problem?
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Indeed, the property "contentAreaFilled" was not supported in our implementations of ButtonUI. Fixed in master branch and will be available in version 2020.2
Please provide a full sample code, specify OS and Look and Feel used, and provide "before 2020.1" screenshot vs actual screenshot.
Above code used for create button without any style But this code worked as expected util 2019 InteliJ version. I have been using windows 10 operating system.
InteliJ Idea version 2019.3
As you can see there is no style applied to button. it's looks like just plain text. However, InteliJ version 2020.1 not works for this code. After, used the code color still stays in the button as a result our plugin UI looks weird in latest InteliJ version.
InteliJ Idea version 2020.1
I tried dozen ways to fix this problem but still those approaches are not working.