Rider - Build errors not shown in english



even though my IDE is fully English, whenever I build and there are errors, they are shown in Italian. 

I searched everywhere to find a setting for it, but find none. Anyone knows how can I switch build error messages to English?


Hi Mattia,

Build console output in Rider returns the same content as of running dotnet build manually, which relies on a system locale settings.

Please take a look at https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RIDER-46156. One can try one of the ways to work this issue around - https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/blob/master/docs/analyzers/Localizing%20Analyzers.md#testing-analyzer-localization (for example adding PreferredUILang property into a proj file).


Update: I'm not sure if this option was provided in an update after this was posted, but you can now add a property at `PreferredUILang` at `Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Toolset and Build>MSBuild global properties`.
I added the `PreferredUILang` property with value `en-US` and now my build messages are outputted in English.


eric kanin wu thank you aswell ! Saved my life! :D


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