Stylelint --fix ignores path to package set in preferences, causes error
My stylelint package is here in my project:
In Webstorm Preferences | Languages & Frameworks | Style Sheets | Stylelint the package location is set as above. It works fine for showing errors as inspections according to how I have it set in Inspections.
But using any menu option to run it fails. Tools > External Tools > Stylelint gives the following error:
Cannot run program "~myOTHERproject/node_modules/stylelint/ ... No such file or directory
It's looking for the package in a different project, not the package I've pointed to in preferences.
Running it manually from the terminal works fine:
~myProject $ node_modules/stylelint/bin/stylelint.js ./app/components/Promos/myFile.scss --fix
This esp weird because inspections do work.
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Your external tools setup has nothing to do with stylelint preferences, they are not related to each other in any way; you have to specify a valid path to executable and working directory in your external tool settings
Thank you @Elena Pogorelova