Could not connect to host



I have been trying to sort this issue out for a while including removing Phpstorm and all of the cache files etc but I have been unable find a fix. 


The issue seems to have started when servers and connections were separated. Now every time I to access a site it does not work until I go into the server and then the connection and test it. It then allows me to use the server as normal till the next day.


I have also made a demo here.

Log file: 2020_07_10_SidpZPKKB3qMbnrd




Please share your ~/.ssh/config (or any other one that has those servers defined) file too.

Andrew Atkinson

No problem. 2020_07_10_J1tLGVCUAgVS57b5


Thank you! I could reproduce that, it's a bug that has to be fixed:
An obvious workaround here would be using hostnames and not SSH config aliases, since you fill the username, the key, and the passphrase in anyways, it shouldn't affect your workflow too much.


Same problem here, It impacts heavily my workflow. No way to workarround it here.

In my case after host configuration split the configuration worked ok until now.

Changing host alias to hostname produces this error:

Can't connect to remote host: net.schmizz.sshj.transport.TransportException: Server closed connection during identification exchange



Unfortunately, the error message alone does not tell much. Would it be possible to collect log files (Help > Collect Logs) with this new error (when hostname is specified) and report the issue to YouTrack / contact the support team?


I've already fill a bug report, thanks.


Had the same bug here. SSH was reachable by mean of password in my terminal, but would'nt connect with Clion.
"Can't connect to remote host: net.schmizz.sshj.transport.TransportException: Server closed connection during identification exchange"

To resolve this, I had to clear the content of ~/.ssh/config which in my case was completely useless.


UPDATE: During the update (or some other update today???), the ssh keys were re-generated and I had to remove the entries in the Deployment server's known_hosts file.  It now connects.

I have the exact same issue.  Webstorm running on Windows Server 2019, connecting to a deployment Ubuntu Server 19.04.

I don't have a ssh_config on either system.  

I just updated from WS2019 to 2020.1, and that was when it broke.  



In my Webstorm the test failed.  I was able to connect from an external terminal, so I went ahead and saved the configuration anyway, and it successfully opened an ssh session in the IDE!  So the test is not altogether reliable.


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