Project / Structure Split View


In previous versions of Intellij, it was possible to set split view to view both project sources and the source (java) structure. The current view (2020.1), the Options View doesn't seem to have it anymore. How can I set the view to display both at same time?




Hi Hossein,

If you right-click on the Structure tool window label, you will get an option to move it to the Left Bottom position. That way, you will be able to open both Project and Structure views in split mode.

Permanently deleted user

Ariana, That worked. Thanks.

Seems like as-long-as the Structure tab is below 50% IDE-window height, then it'll allow for split. I just dragged Structure tab down and then was able to open both project / structure


Artur Barseghyan

You can save your current UI layout as a default, and later restore it using the Window | Store Current Layout as Default / Restore Default Layout menu options.

You can also link your personal settings to your JetBrains account, store them in a special repository, or export/import them manually from/to the IDE. See this help page for more information on each method and its benefits.



This should really be made simple. ATM it's too cumbersome to configure. Why can't we simply have a dedicated Project/Structure as a shortcut? I use PyCharm for 5 years every now and then (mostly, after upgrades) my perfect settings seem to be gone and I have to spend hours finding out how to bring them back. I use (paid) Professional version, btw. This is really awkward, JetBrains. Not well done. Thumbs down.


I have 2021.2.4 and I've been playing with this problem for 45 minutes and still can't figure out how to split the Structure and Project column tso that I can see both at the same time!  WHY IS THIS SO HARD?  Why can't I just drag the Structure tab over top of the Project view and drop it (the way most other IDE's work) ??? 


Dougs You actually can do that in the current release version available at


How is this possible in the New UI 2022.3 ? I always had the project and structure windows in the left column.

How can I restore this view?


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