2020.2 showing |NBSP|


Since the 2020.2 update, PHPStorm is ostensibly showing non-breaking spaces.

I understand this sign can be a pain in the ass in a lot of cases, but the thing is that the non-breaking space is a real thing in french. We call this "espace insécable", they are needed with most punctuations. This is what I see since the update:

I did not find a way in settings to disable this. Can somebody help me?


For information I'm on Linux Mint, using JetBrains Toolbox to install and update IDEs.


Hi there,

https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-115572 -- this is the original ticket for this functionality.

Sadly I do not see how this new functionality can be configured in any way (or even disabled completely).

I may only suggest you to check that and related tickets for possible comments with workarounds... and if none found just file new Feature Request ticket to the Issue Tracker .


Side note: I'm using (used before for many years) Zero-width Character Locator plugin: it is implemented as an inspection (will show an Error mark in such places) and allows to disable particular symbols from been reported. Obviously: it's done differently as it serves a bit different purposes but still: it was possible to customize it.


This behavior can be disabled at Help | Find Action | Registry | editor.show.special.chars.


Thanks to you both for your answers.

Eugene Morozov > Thank you, I just did that, it works. Does this setting concern only hidden characters?

Anyway, that was not easy to find, and that's a strange default behaviour. In the original ticket I see people saying that hidden characters do not make sense in an IDE and massively +1, but I'm afraid this is a narrow, english-speaking vision. IDEs are not just about code, they are also used to write user-end texts, including documentations for example. We have to consider that other languages than english exist. As I said, non-breaking space is a real deal in french, and I guess this is not the only case.

I would suggest a less agressive approach, like a clear setting « Show hidden characters », instead of an esoteric registry line. ;p

But thanks again for the quick answer! Have a good day.



Anyway, that was not easy to find, and that's a strange default behaviour. In the original ticket I see people saying that hidden characters do not make sense in an IDE and massively +1, but I'm afraid this is a narrow, english-speaking vision. IDEs are not just about code, they are also used to write user-end texts, including documentations for example. We have to consider that other languages than english exist. As I said, non-breaking space is a real deal in french, and I guess this is not the only case.

I suppose we just had no idea that these symbols might matter in languages other than English.

I would suggest a less agressive approach, like a clear setting « Show hidden characters », instead of an esoteric registry line.

Could you please submit this as a usability issue to our tracker? Just in case if there is a lot of people who stumble upon this.


Yeah I wasn't making any reproach, of course. (: I was just developing my point and making a suggestion to help improving an already excellent tool.

I will submit an issue tomorrow, thanks!



I have this suddenly everywhere in intellij too. Very confusing and annoying.


how do i turn it off without messing with the registry? 


Unfortunately,  registry tweak is the only way now.


Looks like this is now (Rider version 2021.2) configurable in

Settings \ Advanced Settings \ Editor \ Checkbox for

"Render special characters (control codes, etc) using their Unicode name abbreviations"


thanks, Brian Kowalski, it helps me!


I do not have registry because I'm using a Linux version.
How to turn off NBSP showing all over my code?



I do not have registry because I'm using a Linux version. 

1. This does not change anything. It's an internal registry, something like about:config in Firefox.

2. As stated in 2 comments above yours, there is a GUI option for that now.


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