Stubs arguments are not correctly substituted in generated Parser Code


I am trying to develop a plugin for language support. When generating the grammar, and certain element is implemented via Stub logic, the implementation of that element won't be built successfully, due to the incorrect substitution of the argument. Please refer to code snippets below:

Stub definition in the grammar: 


Interface definition for the Stub: 


Actual results, after Parser Code generation: 


Expected results: 


I am apologize for eventual redundancy of the question, but the documentation can be challenging time to time for a beginner. If you have any insights, idea or workflow how to achieve desired behavior, I would really appreciate that.


I am grateful for any help and in case of any concerns or lack of the information, please let me know.


Kind regards,

Michal Kyjovsky.  


Could you please provide full sources of your plugins?


Hello Yann,


sorry for the late response, here: .

Thank you for your time. 


Sorry this got lost, is it still an issue?


Hello Yan,

Thank you for your response. I really appreciate it.

Yes, unfortunately, it is. In the near future, however, I am not able to return to the project. Therefore, we can close this problem for now, because by the time I return to the project, it will still need to be refactored anyway.


Thanks for the update and again, sorry for not answering earlier.


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