Will the Intellij platform work on a MacBook with an ARM processor ?
Recently Apple announced Macbook on ARM CPU, will Intellij work correctly on this laptop?
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Current Status: JetBrains is working on porting JetBrains Runtime (and all products running on JVM) to Apple Silicon. We’re waiting for a Developer Transition Kit (DTK) box to test our IDEs. We aim to make our products work on the new Apple processors starting from the day of the official hardware availability for purchase. Watch the ticket for updates.
Current Status: JetBrains is working on porting JetBrains Runtime (and all products running on JVM) to Apple Silicon. Our IDEs work on Apple Silicon chips through Rosetta 2.
Just want to say thanks to you all for working so fast to get it working on the M1s. And the transparency is really incredible. I really appreciate your company.
We already recompiled most of product binaries into universal format. It works fast now. We will prepare an update later this month.
Serge Baranov could you please provide the universal format of IDEA with alpha version even though it is not stable enough? I need it to be run on my M1 mac.
Active IDEA Ultimate user here. Just wanted to answer an earlier question about how well IJ works through Rosetta. So far without a hitch. It hesitates from time to time particularly while indexing a newly opened project or going through Plugins settings but otherwise I haven't had any crashes, exceptions, or other failures. I've been on it for 2 days now.
By the way, the first builds of IntelliJ IDEA for M1 processors were released. Links could be found in the description of https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/JBR-2526
Any Update so far
How are JetBrains IDEs doing running through Rosetta 2 so far? Does it run as smooth as on the native intel base chips?
Hi. Any simulation software will cause additional system resource consumption, which may result in a performance downgrade. As it was told before we are working on a native solution.
Any update on an ETA for a native version? Is it days, weeks, months?
Just to understand if we need to cope for a little time or find alternative solutions.
Hi. We are working on providing native support, please check latest comments: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/JBR-2526#focus=Comments-27-4526544.0-0
Fantastic! Thanks!
Wengych once the preview build is ready, we'll announce it in the linked ticket.
IntelliJ Ultimate 2020.2.3 starts and runs fine on macos aarch64 however a Gradle project fails to build:
Could not open init generic class cache for initialization script '/private/var/folders/73/8zyvcpds2612pj0nmtwt68_c0000gn/T/wrapper_init3.gradle' (/Users/felipelima/.gradle/caches/6.5/scripts/5lpfa2rtcne4lxvcfwx0y9mwo/init6418c6d726070f323dbddda2aadc82ef).
> BUG! exception in phase 'semantic analysis' in source unit '_BuildScript_' Unsupported class file major version 60
>Unsupported class file major version 60
@Felipe Lima this is the issue with incompatibility between Gradle and JDK used in project. As seen Gradle does not support 16 JDK version yet:
Yep I was able to get it working with JDK 13!
Clion for Apple M1 will be greatly appreciated
Great news! Looking forward to testing PyCharm once it is available.
Thanks for creating it. Looking forward for solution.