How to disable EAP / Only Upgrade to Official (point) Releases?

I use Jetbrains Toolbox to keep Pycharm updated.

Somewhere along the line I decided to join the EAP.

I've decided I don't want to do EAP releases anymore, mostly because they constantly break my few plugins I use.  

How do I safely revert to the newest point release, and ensure that pycharm / jetbrains toolbox stop automatically installing or telling me that an EAP release is available?




To disable update to EAP, please open the Toolbox, click a gear icon to open settings for PyCharm.

In the "Updates" section, switch to "Update to release"




Thanks, Antonina. I spent some time trying to figure this out and did not see this.

I recommend choosing more clear language than "Update to Release"

"Install updates automatically, update to Release". --> ???

"Manage auto-update settings and EAP membership."  




Thank you foe the feedback. 

I am not sure whether you have found the settings I mean. Attaching a couple of screenshots


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