java: error: Release version 15 not supported but languageLevel is set to "JDK_14"



So I read in this post that I must set the language level to 14 to fix the "release version 15 not supported" error. I already did that, but the error remains. 

What do I have to do?


Tr setting maven target version to 14 also:


What the version of IntelliJ IDEA? The error in the post you are referring to should have been fixed in 2020.2.3



Thank you for answering. I am currently using the 2020.2.3.

After setting the target version to 14, I now get "pacage javafx.fxml does not exist". Which is weird, because I do not get an error when I try to import "javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader"

These are the maven errors I get:

Also I am quite new at javafx. So I do not know if I even built the project correctly from the beginning, even though I did follow a youtube tutorial for it.


It is hardly related to IDE, but to the project itself. So, it is needed to share a sample project where this could be reproduced.


A zip of the project can be found here. It is just a basic project. 


The compilation is working fine for me. 

Try removing .idea folder in project's root and re-import it by selecting pom.xml file. 



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