Webstorm 2020.3 - Mising Go To in right click menu
With previous versions I used to be able to right click on a vue component deceleration and select "Go To -> Deceleration and Usage" and quickly navigate to the component that call is made to.
With 2020.3 the "Go To" menu is gone, although the keyboard short cut (CTRL+B) still works.
I'm assuming this is probably a bug?
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it's still there for me
Does the issue persist regardless of a statement you put the cursor on?
Hi Elena,
Yes, it doesn't matter what statement it is, it can be functions within a Vue or React component or external scripts or imports, the Go To menu is just not there.
Did you edit menus and toolbars in any way? Please share your idea.log (Help > Show Log in ...) - please don't paste it here, upload the file to some file server and provide a link
No edits to the toolbars / menus as far as I'm aware (not sure where I would go to check? Is there a way to reset it?)
Also tried with disabling all of my plugins and have the same result.
Idea log should be available at https://fermor.s3.amazonaws.com/idea.log
please try starting with default preferences (File > Manage IDE Settings > Restore Default Settings..) - does the issue persist?
That seems to have sorted it :)
Not sure what I was doing that was any different from normal but there you go.
Thank you for your assistance!
Hi Elena,
My joy seems to be have short lived, after a restart the issue has come back, additionally it is also now affecting my PyCharm installation since that has also been bumped to 2020.3
EDIT: Looks like this is flagged as an issue already https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360010050280-Webstorm-2020-3-Mising-Go-To-in-right-click-menu?page=1#community_comment_360002456960
The solution seems to be to right click the method directly rather than selecting the whole word, then right clicking.
The link leads to your own comment here... Do you refer to https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-256687?
This is a bug. The Go To menu doesn't appear by default in IntelliJ 2020.3 (Ultimate). I've rolled back to 2020.2.4 and it works fine.
Yes, sorry that was the link I meant to include.
It would be ideal if both approcaches (right-click the word directly or highlight and right click) could be accepted as it is taking my brain a while to retrain itself with "the new way" of doing things.