Intellij idea cannot find spring boot starter parent
Version Details
Platform: Windows 7x64
Build tool: Maven
Intellij idea reports that it cannot find the spring boot starter parent library but it actually does (false negative).
This actually works, the trouble is that since it is marked as an error in the pom.xml, I've been trying changing versions trying to get my program to work. For some reason spring boot starter parent 2.4.1 does not work well with Eureka clients so I was trying to downgrade to a lower version. At the time of course I was just trying to rule out factors that could have led to the failure which means that this confused me further and over two hours were spent just attempting to fix the project.
Could you fix this issue such that the pom.xml does not report this as an error? I do have the repositories configured in my pom.xml and I have confirmed that this version is available from the spring initializr site as is shown below:
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Thank you for reporting. Looks like
Please note that IDE actually reports error for the artifacts which do not exist in the local .m2 repository. Could you please confirm that this artifact version had existed at time when IDE was reporting the error?
Could you please also clarify: does 'mvn install' work for this project? Does Reload action in Maven tool window or reopening the project help? Thank you.
Hello Andrey.

Yes, the Spring boot starter parent existed in the repository at the time. Reloading the maven project did not work either. I tried this with several versions. Intellij only seemed to recognise version 2.4.1 and newer. I did not however try mvn install.
It does look like the linked issue.
Thank you for information!
HI Andery, I, myself facing same issue. IntelliJ is not updating dependencies. And One more thing I want to clarify. Does artifacts need to be in local ? Doesn't maven download from maven central ?
Thank you.
If you indeed have highlighting issue with parent not found (but in fact it exists in local Maven repository), please vote and follow this issue:
>Does artifacts need to be in local ?
For the IDE to resolve the artifact inside pom.xml - yes it must exist in Maven local repository.
>Doesn't maven download from maven central ?
IDE as Maven downloads the artifacts which are specified under <dependencies> section on Maven build or re-importing the Maven project in IDE.