Nexus index formats?
What is supported as a maven index format?
is only .zip supported or will it recognize .gz files too?
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.gz is also supported.
In my case it's complaining about a .zip file that isn't there but there is a .gz file which it doesn't appear to be making any attempts to fetch.
I have one repository where there was a .zip and that's fine
the one that I'll never had a .zip has a .gz but it doesn't appear to be finding the .gz
Please provide exact steps to reproduce. Screencast would be also helpful.
All on a work computer so it's not easy.
All I'm doing is hitting the update button on my repo in maven settings and when I do the idea.log will show a stack trace indicating it couldn't find the .zip file after that it says Error. I see nothing in the log that suggests it ever tried to look for the .gz file.
May you show the error or even the whole idea.log?
You can do that privately via YouTrack new ticket: