Looking for a way to configure the gradle to add bin/my_binary.exe inside the plugin zip file
I am looking for hours a way how to configure that when I start tasks "buildPlugin" or "runIde", it will also inject specific binary file inside the plugin.
Currently, it will create only this structure:
But I want that it will create this structure:
I saw that you even did it yourself with the built-in "Kotlin" plugin under
C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2020.3.1\plugins\Kotlin
The folder structure there:
I want to have it configured like this.
I will specify the binary I need to put and where, exactly as you did with this "Kotlin" plugin.
I don't want to add it manually after I built the zip file.
Please help
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I found part of the answer myself.
To make that "runIde" task will add these files to the plugin folder, I add
Seems that it also works for the build task (it adding it to the zip).
So I figure it out
Considering that, I was wondering how do you run that exe (probably CLI executable) within your plugin. I have a single executable node application but I cannot run it