Pycharm is not running my code on Run

In project, I am trying to run a .py file, yet Pycharm is not running my code on "4:Run", it is rahter running file on Python Console. How can I run the file on "4:Run"



I am sorry, but could you describe you mean by "4:Run"? 

FYI,  in  Run/Debug Configuration there is an option "Run with Python console" , perhaps this is what you are looking for. 



Hi Antonina,

Thank you for your kind interest. As you have described, "Run with Python console" was opted for the relevant file. I can now run the file and get the results on the "4:Run" section of the PyCharm.

Best regards


PS: The explanation for "4:Run":


Error running 'main': Cannot run program "C:\Users\User\PycharmProjects\helloWorld\venv\Scripts\python.exe" (in directory "C:\Users\User\PycharmProjects\helloWorld"): CreateProcess error=193, %1 is not a valid Win32 application

This is what it says, and I cannot my Pycharm code

What should I do?


Go to the ''RUN option on the TOP

Select 'edit configuration'

Make sure that option is untick for the particular file.

Thank me later :)


If I try to run my code, I always get this error: Cannot run program "/Users/simonsteppe/PycharmProjects/programmeren/venv/bin/python" (in directory "/Users/simonsteppe/PycharmProjects/programmeren/Reeks 08"): error=2, No such file or directory


Reserve Simonsteppe Hi, could you please provide a screenshot of your run/debug configuration?


I made use of visual code to run a project involving class and import modules, it runs..but using pycharm to run the same code it's write class doesn't take attributes..I try to uninstall the pycharm and install it again, the same issue persisted ..what could be the fault


Please provide code sample and a screenshot of the error so we could better understand the issue.

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