CLion 2020.3 not recognizing Visual Studio error messages and turning them into links to source
I've upgraded to 2020.3. Now, when I build my project, error messages in the "Messages" windows aren't recognized and turned into links to the source code.
Is anyone else seeing this problem?
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yes I have the same problem. Is there still no solution for that topic?
Michael Mueller what CLion version do you use? Also please provide a screenshot of your toolchain from `File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Toolchains` and a screenshot illustrating the issue.
Hello Anna,
the settings window:
the issue:
there is no clickable link created in order to jump to the file and line.
What CLion version do you use?
Oh, sorry ... CLion Version is 2021.3.4
Proper parsing of file(line,column) in compiler messages was implemented only in CLion 2022.1 - You need to update CLion.
Jippi, thank you very much. That was the trick.