keymap plugin
I made a simple keymap plugin here:
It installs okay and I see the logo (although it is strange that it doesn't appear initially when I install from disk, but appears later), but my keymap under "src/main/resources/keymaps" does not appear in the list of keymaps in the IntelliJ preferences dialog. I've spent a couple hours googling and cannot find an example that explains how to do this. Does anyone have an idea of what I am doing wrong?
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Your plugin does not expose necessary extension point com.intellij.bundledKeymap to instruct IDE to provide the bundled keymap file. See community/java/java-impl/src/META-INF/JavaPlugin.xml as sample from IJ Community.
Thank you Yann! I will take a look.
Still not seeing it. Does the XML file go in src/main/resources/keymaps if I'm using the IntelliJ plugin template?
-- Jon
For anyone watching this post, I was missing the parent node in the XML file. This works now:
FTR reference