A few newbie questions on variable explorer, sciview and viewing
I have a few questions on how to do some stuff I was used to with the Spyder IDE:
1) With the Spyder IDE, if I run a script in which I assign x = 5, after the script is run I see x in the variable explorer.
Is there a way to achieve the same with PyCharm, or is the variable explorer accessible only if I debug the script?
2) With Spyder, if I have multiple pandas dataframes in the variable explorer, I can double click on them and each opens in a separate window. I can therefore easily compare, say, 4 dataframes by opening them in 4 separate windows. Is there a way to do the same in PyCharm?
The closest I have managed to find is to select the dataframe from the debug pane, right click, view as dataframe so it appears in the Sciview pane, clik "open in editor tab", then from here I can drag one onto the other or both away from the window, each in its own separate window. it kinda works, but it's much clunkier than with Spyder
3) Can one customise some kind of shortcut for the "view as dataframe" right mouse operation?
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Yes, you can run the script in python console. The easiest way to set this up is to enable scientific mode.
This is the intended way, sorry if it feels clunky.
This is not very straightforward, but you can record a macro and assign a shortcut to it. Then you can select the dataframe from variable view, and hit the shortcut.