Remote host toolchain option disappeared
In clion the Remote Host toolchain option does not appear in Settings -> Build, execution, deployment -> toolchains.
There is not remote hosts window in View -> Tool Windows.
The options were present at first but one morning they just disappeared when I opened a project that is in a shared folder (local network share)
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Solved by enabling the required plugins "Remote Host Data Access" and "FTP/SFTP Connectivity".
same situation - disappeared after two months of usage. Anna's solution helped. Thanks!
I cannot find "Remote Host Data Access" plugin in CLion 2022.3.1, my OS is Linux Mint 21, Linux 5.15.0-46-generic.
This is said to be bundled, but I haven't seen it for a long time.
As a result, I do not have "Remote Host" option in the toolchain page.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Ad09932021 please go to the configuration directory (~/.config/JetBrains/CLion2022.3 in case of Linux) and check the disabled_plugins.txt file. Do you have com.jetbrains.plugins.webDeployment there?
Had the same problem with CLion 2023.1.1 on Windows10 after trying to troubleshoot why it wouldn't start with the repair.exe utility, which disabled all plugins. But the problem is that "Remote Host Data Access" doesn't show up at all in the installed plugins section and I couldn't find the "disabled_plugins.txt" file anywhere. What helped me was to go to "Settings->Build, Execution, Deployment->Required Plugins" and add "Remote Host Data Access" as a required plugin for the project, restart and a pop up appeared with a button to enable this plugin.
I'm using Windows and after following Stuff's suggestion and adding Remote Host Data Access in required plugin section, after I do not see any "pop-up" appearing anywhere to enable this plugin. When I try to search it still can't find.
Othernamen in the recent CLion versions, the plugin required for the Remote with local sources mode is called “FTP/SFTP/WebDAV Connectivity” (see