`Double Shift to Search Everywhere` Not Working


IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3.2 (Ultimate Edition)
Build #IU-203.7148.57, built on January 26, 2021

`Double Shift` open the dialog, then enter the search text `main.go`, BUT it can't found the file `main.go` even if it's in the current project.


I've experienced same problem. Check for outdated plugins. I've updated all of my plugins and problem was resolved.


 just updated to 2022.2.3 when double clicking on shift button, search everywhere popup windows doesn't appear. 
I updated Terraform and HCL plugin and then problem gone.


May you clear caches using "File | Invalidate caches and restart"? Does it help? 


Check that the default shortcut for the Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Keymap | All Actions | Main Menu | Navigate | Search Everywhere action is not re-defined. Also try with all custom plugins disabled. If problem remains with the version from https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/ please report at https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/IDEA with idea.log file (Help | Show Log in ... action) attached after IDE restart and reproducing. Thank you.


This is weird but updating plugins solved the issue, had the same problem.

Permanently deleted user

Updating plugins also helped me. PhpStorm 2022.1.1


I've updated all of my plugins and problem was resolved.

Permanently deleted user

I had a similar issue after updating to build 2021.1, invalidating cache worked for me

thank you Konstantin!



Clearing cache and restarting does not work for me. Double shift search cannot find some files while it works for other files. Version: 2020.3.1 Ultimate




Please update your IDE to 2021.1.1


Hi, I am facing the same problem. Search does not work even after invalidating the cache. My current version is 2021.1.3


Same issue after updating from 2020.3 to 2021.2.3.


Adrian Abramczyk Please elaborate. Do you observe the same symptoms as in the initial post? Search everywhere does not find an occurrence that exists in the project. 

If not, please describe your case from the beginning. 
If yes - try invalidating caches. 


I'm running the latest version of WebStorm (2021.3)

CTRL+SHIFT+R for opening a resource does not work any more.

I use this shortcut like hundreds of times in a day. 

Please, fix it or give us a workaround. Invalidating cache didn't do the trick :(




Alberto Albericio

CTRL+SHIFT+R for opening a resource does not work any more.

What do you mean by "opening a resource"? The default action for this shortcut is Replace in Files (see img below).

Have you had it assigned to a different action? Can you find the shortcut using the finder button in File | Settings | Keymap?


Invalidating caches didn't work for me, but closing phpstorm then deleting the .idea/dataSources folder did the trick for me.


I experience the same issue with Rider 2022.1.2


Hi Kamil Dąbrowski Please try to clear IDE caches with `File | Invalidate Caches... | mark first two checkboxes | Invalidate and Restart`. If the problem remains raise a new issue at https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/IDEA with a detailed description. Thank you!


Double shift does not work as expected. It can not find files within the open project. I tried File --> Invalidate Cache (and marked first 2 check boxes too).

Environment details: IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1.4 (Community Edition) on MAC OS Apple M1 chip.


Binita Bharati Make sure the needed files are not excluded from project scanning and try to temporarily disable all third-party plugins. If the problem remains contact the support team at https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/requests/new or raise a new issue at https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/IDEA . Thank you!


I had an issue where one of many open projects wasn't respecting the double shift find all command.  I was able to fix this issue by using the repair ide option under File.  The step that ended up fixing the issue, in particular, was closing and reopening the project.


What vuong said.  Should have read his post before deleting my cache...


Same here.  I upgraded from 2021 to 2023 the my file search (SHIFT SHIFT) stopped working. 

Invalidating my cache didn't work but like other, reviewing my plugins and upgrading it resolved the issue. 


updating the plugins helped on pycharm 2023.2.4 as well


Shift-shift option doesn't work, version 2023.3.2. I invalidated the cache twice with and without two upper options, and updated Intellij Idea and all plugins.  I cannot add a shortcut for ‘Search everywhere’ in Keymap cuz there are several options to choose from that don't have shift+shift.


Hi Mbfren Are there any related exceptions at the end of idea.log (Help | Show Log in …) file after pressing search everywhere shortcut several times?

To ensure it's a platform problem try to disable all third-party plugins and restart the IDE https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/managing-plugins.html 

As a general troubleshooting step try to perform `File | Repair IDE` action


I have done Repair Ide (all steps), but it still doesn't work. I disabled all downloaded plugins. In logs, I can see only a warning when pressing shift+shift ‘2023-12-21 15:13:02,631 [  94211]   WARN - #c.i.u.x.Binding - no accessors for org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.projectConfiguration.KotlinNotConfiguredSuppressedModulesState’


Could you please check if Run Anything (ctrl+ctrl) is affected as well?
Do you have the Settings/Preferences | Advanced Settings | Disable double modifier key shortcuts enabled?

If that option is already disabled, can you open the Search everywhere dialog from IDE main menu Help | Find Action


A problem in later versions as well. 

As seen below, it selects the wrong file, even though it spelled the entire name, and there is a match with the name Stock.java. 

Why is the other file selected now? 


IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1 (Ultimate Edition)
Build #IU-241.14494.240, built on March 28, 2024
Runtime version: 17.0.10+8-b1207.12 x86_64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
macOS 14.4.1
GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation
Memory: 8192M
Cores: 8
Metal Rendering is ON
Non-Bundled Plugins:
 com.jetbrains.space (241.14494.150)
 com.intellij.ml.llm (241.14494.240)
Kotlin: 241.14494.240-IJ


Eaaesbs It is how prioritizing currently works in our internal search mechanism at the moment, and it can be a problem indeed in some cases. 

You are welcome to upvote https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IJPL-55665 and linked problem reports in which we will be addressing this problem. See this article if you are not familiar with our bug tracking system.


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