Search in ListSpeedSearch with CheckBoxList works incorrect
Here two videos: Upload id: 2021_03_13_Bu4t7ZTuXLyUPY7z (files: 01.webm, 02.webm)
1) How search works with ListSpeedSearch + JBList. It`s ok.
2) How search works with ListSpeedSearch + CheckBoxList. Here the problem. Search works strange. I can`t find any pattern to describe.
Code of my DialogWrapper:
abstract class SearchableListDialog<T>(
project: Project,
dialogTitle: String,
private val items: List<T>,
private val multipleSelection: Boolean = false,
private var initialSelectedIndex: Int,
) : DialogWrapper(project) {
protected abstract val itemNameMapper: (T) -> String
private lateinit var selectionListener: (List<Int>) -> Unit
private val itemsNames = { itemNameMapper(it) }.toTypedArray()
private var selectedIndex = initialSelectedIndex.coerceAtLeast(0)
private val checkedIndexes: MutableMap<Int, Boolean> =
(0..itemsNames.lastIndex).map { it to false }.toMap().toMutableMap()
init {
title = dialogTitle
fun onSelected(listener: (List<Int>) -> Unit) {
selectionListener = listener
override fun createCenterPanel(): JComponent {
val list = if (multipleSelection) {
} else {
list.addListSelectionListener {
selectedIndex = list.selectedIndex
return ListSpeedSearch(list).apply {
private fun getSingleSelectionList(): JBList<*> =
JBList(*itemsNames).apply {
selectionMode = ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION
private fun getMultipleSelectionList(): JBList<*> =
CheckBoxList<String>().apply {
setStringItems( { it to false }.toMap())
setCheckBoxListListener { index, isChecked ->
checkedIndexes[index] = isChecked
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