idea plugin openapi code set ide settings
When i use webstorm, I hope force enable idea > settings > "eslint" and "prettier", I need use openapi code to set settings on startup
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I find the solution
most configuration is declare in .xml with
projectService and the projectService implementation is .*Configuration
in my case, prettier configuration is following (eslint is similar)
I use following code get prettier conf instance
make my plugin support import PrettierConfiguration(if not, ide can import but it raise "no such class" , in plugin xml
intellij.prettierJS is prettier plugin id in prettier plugin xml
and then get conf
prettierConf.state is conf in settings, default is null
how to set state?
open sandbox ide settings ui > maunally set expected settings
set breakpoint in prettierConf, ide "Watches" see prettierConf.state
use code set same state