Pycharm cursor/mouse pointer color in editor window
I am not referring to caret color which is fine. Problem is with mouse pointer / cursor in the editor window where its dark and becomes barely visible on dark background of editor. How can i change this?
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Hi, is the mouse cursor also dark in other text input fields in other apps?
Mouse cursor is white arrow shaped when it is side panels or any other part of pycharm. As soon as it goes into editor panel, it switches to a different style and becomes very difficult to see. I can only figure out once i click and caret shows up which is white in color.
and i call it mouse cursor..its really mouse pointer..
I think "Mouse cursor" is the correct term. Anyway, when the mouse cursor changes shape indicating text input field, it should contrast to your background, i.e. it should be white on a dark background. Could you please provide:
1. Screenshot demonstrating the issue (please note that some screenshot utilities hide the mouse cursor)
2. Does the issue happen with other text editors that also have dark background?
3. What's your PyCharm version and OS?
I have taken a screen recording to show you transition of mouse pointer from normal to becoming invisible when entering text window. Is there a way to send it as this support page doesnt allow sending mp4.
Other info - 1) other dark editors like visual studio code is fine 2) Pycharm Professional 2020.3 on Windows 10
Andrey/Intellij support - Can you please help me further on this thread? This issue remains outstanding and i am bumping it back to your attention. Thanks
Kshah You can use uploading service at , and provide upload ID in your reply.
Please upload the screen recording, and also Logs from **Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data**, so we could look into the issue further.
Hi Andrey - i have uploaded it. Link is as below:
Upload id: 2021_04_08_38RCoR8rf3agZtMv
(file: Screen Recording Mouse pointer in pycharm.mp4)
Thank you, I have downloaded the screen recording, but I don't see logs.
Could you please upload Logs from **Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data** as well?
I have the same issue. I'll provide the logs and screen recording.
Upload id: 2021_04_28_6haBuxbsN7iqTtjj (files:, Screen Recording 2021-04-28 at
Andrey Resler did I provide enough information?
Best regards,
J Sterk
Does the issue reproduce with the default settings (File | Manage IDE Settings | Restore Default Settings...)?
PyCharm will back up your current config so you'll be able to import it.
Sergey Karpov unfortunately, the issue reproduces with default settings.. I checked on my MacBook and the cursor is white there when the dark theme is activated. When the light themes are activated the cursor is still black so I can at least locate it then.
I have exactly the same problem, using darcula on a windows system
Is it reproducible with custom plugins disabled?
yes is reproducible. Even disabling plugins the problem with the mouse pointer is still there. The only way to make it visible is to not use darcula and have white backdrop in the editing section. I found very healthy to use darcula so i would like to have this issue solved. As already was written, the problem is the color of the mouse pointer that in the editing section change from a white arrow to a dark I and then you cannot anymore understand where is pointing. If you press left mouse button then you can see the caret cursor that is white. Thanks for support
Do you use Remote Desktop connection?
Yes indeed I work through RDP. I connect from a Mac either to a local windows machine or an azure windows machine and the problem occurs at both machines. Is it related to RDP and can it be solved with some kind of workaround?
Best, Joep
Yes, it's RDP related. Please try go to "Control panel -> Mouse settings -> Pointers" and choose schema 'Windows Black(system schema)'
This is the fix! To add to this; instead of changing the whole schema to Windows Black, one can also just change the "Text Select" (cursor) to "beam_rm". Thanks @...!
You are welcome!
WOW THANKS you guys solved this annoying problem! And of course, me too i use a mac to connect to a windows machine using RDP.
I wish you guys the best
Another Mac user RDPing in to Windows. Thank you for the solution!!
Thanks for the solution!
I also had the same Problem. It could not be resolved inside IntelliJ or PyCharm. I'm currently using windows, and i solved the problem by changing the cursor color to white. It can be found in the settings. Hope this helps!
Thank you Yaroslav - the answer helped me as well.
@... thank you very much for this solution. Also a RDP user. Saved me some grey hairs…