PHStorm freezes on Linux with WSL, I don't know which system to use anymore with Windows and WSL.
I am very desperate, I don't know if I have to change my PC or what the hell to do.
I have installed PHPStorm in WSL2 with GWSL, and the only thing I have to do to open PHPStorm is to run the script inside my Ubuntu 18 WSL terminal.
But I really don't know what to do anymore, I can't work, and I'm very angry because I'm wasting my time waiting for PHPStorm to respond, and I need your help.
Here's what the PHPStorm terminal shows and I attach the file
cat /home/mysuser/.cache/JetBrains/PhpStorm2020.3/log/threadDumps-freeze-20210321-152529-PS-203.7717.64-CachingConstructorInjectionComponentAdapter.doGetComponentInstance-7sec/threadDump-20210321-152529.txt
Upload id: 2021_03_21_9j2yuLAAtLF8yogw (file: threadDump-20210321-152529.txt)
I also show some screenshots to see that despite PHPStorm freezing I still have enough memory.
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I run PhpStorm natively on Windows and access my files though the \\wsl$ share. There're certainly glitches (some tools get confused with paths and I get an occasional slowdown now and then) but performance is being acceptable so far.
I can't reproduce that on Windows 20H2, Ubuntu 20.04, and GWSL, seems to work fine for me.
A single thread dump is not really helpful, could you please collect the whole logs bundle (Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data) and upload it in the same way>
When I do that I get this alert, and it opens the tmp directory, I don't know what I really have to upload
I also have a question, which may have better performance to mount WSL like and access PHPStorm as if it was another normal directory (I'm sure I'll run into user permission problems, though.) or as I have it => installing PHPStorm directly on WSL with GWSL.
There's supposed to be a file called phpstorm-logs*.zip. If it's not there, please archive and share the logs directory.
Performance-wise, the first method is supposed to be better, just make sure you don't use Windows paths (such as
) from within WSL.Eugene knows better than me about performance. Just a remark: PhpStorms detects it's a WSL setup from the path prefix so you'd need to access files as \\wsl$. If you map it to a drive letter it won't handle it properly.
Sorry for the delay. I don't understand. Do I have to assign it to a drive(Z:)? or do I have to access it through \\wsl$.? Because through \\wsl$.PHPStorm doesn't detect anything.
About the projects I have them in the /home/$USER/ directory and I access it that way, not the /mnt way.
If you run PhpStorm natively under Windows you should be able to edit your files with either path, but if you use the UNC path (\\wsl$\...) PhpStorm will detect the files are hosted inside WSL2 and it'll offer some extra goodies. If you open them through a mapped letter, PhpStorm will handle it as any other Windows folder.
I don't know why it isn't working for you but the screenshot doesn't look like mine. Is that PHPStorm in WSL2 with GWSL?
No, that capture is installed in Windows to test what you told me. But I have it installed also inside WSL as I put in the capture of the first post, like any other installation of PHPStorm inside linux. But I run it inside the terminal because GWSL does not support shortcuts with ZSH, as I have the WSL terminal configured by default, so I run it as, and the window phpstorm is opens. That is why I was wondering if the best thing was inside Windows by mounting Ubuntu as if it were another hard disk, or as I currently have it, which is installed inside WSL as another Linux program. Equally installing within WSL I don't use \ \wsl$\ either, I use /home/$USER/myproject/*.php
In WSL when i open PHPStorm:
Definitely not, this way, all WSL-related improvements we've made are not going to be used.
Please check how it goes in 2021.1 Beta, it might be this one:
I still don't understand anything. I see that I will have to continue using my method of using PHPStorm with GWSL, because I'm not getting any clearer, on the contrary I'm getting confused. The only thing that is clear to me is that I did not use the disk mount of my Ubuntu
Then you sent me to an issue that says it is solved, but it is not solved, I can not open any path with \\wsl$ when the installation is on Windows, also I have been sent to nextversion at no time speaks WSL and the resolution of the problem in question.
PHPStorm on Windows is currently supposed to recognise WSL2 disks \\wsl$? What is the manual on how to do it?
Please can you clarify this for me.
Correct, please check the screenshot, it's version 2020.3.
There's no guide as it's supposed to work right away.
I've sent you the issue because it might be the cause for
not appearing inFile | Open
for you.It wasn't supposed to, I've sent this link so that you could download and try 2021.1 Beta.
Available in
field of the issue has2021.1 EAP 1
in it, which means that all subsequent 2021.1 builds also have this fix.Ok, I'll give it a try. I'll be back in a while. Thank you very much.
I have already tried it. Exactly with that version PHStorm does recognise the directory, and it seems to consume less memory than opening it directly on WSL with GWSL, but I've been testing it and I've found a big problem that I describe now.
I have been trying to edit a file, in this case an index.php, I have modified it, I have restarted Window and when I have reopened it, it appears empty, thank goodness that PHPSTORM has history and I have been able to recover it, lol (In history it appears as an external change.)
I have also tried to modify the file, close PHPStorm and reopen and nothing happens, but if it happens when I restart Windows, it is very strange. So for now I won't be able to use it, a pity.
When is this version supposed to be released to the official one?
Sorry, I am using version 2021.1 Beta, in case it helps.
You basically killed PhpStorm with this action, so this result is not something unusual.
Frankly, I don't understand how this is a big problem, the resolution seems to be pretty simple - please avoid force-killing PhpStorm, as it can damage your files.
Hopefully, next week.
That I am not killing PHPStorm, that I have not described that I am closing PHPStorm, does not mean that I am not doing it. Of course, I close PHPStorm before restart windows. I don't know why this happens. But I don't think it's very nice that I spend a whole day working on a file, and then the next day it appears empty.
I perceived this like you just restart Windows, not closing the WSL-based PhpStorm instance.
If it's not the case, we of course need to take a look at it. Please upload the logs in the way described above in this thread after you experience the issue again. Thank you!
I think it's clear already and also not particularly relevant to this problem, but since I did the research myself a few weeks ago... ;-) WSL2 stores its files in a virtual machine image file (and this only applies to version 2, version 1 stored its raw files right into your Windows partitions). That volume is exposed to Windows itself by emulating a network share. PhpStorm can edit WSL2 files from such share in any path that Windows itself recognises. That includes:
However, PhpStorm will not identify the project as being hosted within WSL2 unless the path starts with \\wsl$\
I have downloaded PhpStorm 2021.1 RC Build #PS-211.6693.78, built on April 1, 2021
and the same thing happens to me when I use PHPStorm on Windows using WSL2 Paths and Docker, I make a change in the index.php, close PHPSTorm and restart Windows, when I open the project again the index.php appears empty.
Nothing in the logs, unfortunately. I can't reproduce that locally either.
Does it happen each time? If you close PhpStorm, but don't restart Windows yet, does the file on disk has those changes you've just made?
I have the same problem with the latest version of WSL 2, the latest version of phpstorm, the latest version of docker.
Phpstorm freeze, it no longer reads the files on the disk, the Webpack watcher no longer builds. Generally, Phpstorm takes a long time to synchronize with the linux disk.
Path directly on wsl :
File sync failed :
No color preview :
npm never finish building :
To solve it the way i have is to force stop phpstorm and restart windows 10 pro.
We need to check IDE logs here. If possible please contact us directly via Help | Contact Support or share your logs via & let me know the upload ID.
I have the same problem, when I connect to WSL via the \\wsl$ path, Phpstorm freezes and comes back after some or a long time.
Do you mean there are freezes when you're trying to open a project inside WSL? That's a known bug: It's fixed & the fix will be included in the upcoming IDE update, it will be available tonight or tomorrow.