how to get Go PSI user defined type's definition.



I have definied two struct as below

type BaseEntity struct {
CreatedAt sql.NullTime
CreatedBy string
UpdatedAt sql.NullTime
UpdatedBy string

type Order struct {
CustNo string
OrderNum string
OrderQty int32
Price float32

right now I got the PsiElement of Order Struct, there is a embedded go struct BaseEntity in it.

I use below code to iterate all the children of Order Struct.

for (ele in struct.children) {

for the built-in type, it works fine. but for any user defined type I want to print it recursively. for the case here it should 

println CreatedAt,  CreatedBy, UpdatedAt, UpdatedBy.


Official comment

Hey. Your PsiElement should be a GoStructType. In that case, you can do something like this:

private void printFields(@NotNull GoStructType structType) {
for (GoFieldDeclaration declaration : structType.getFieldDeclarationList()) {
GoAnonymousFieldDefinition anonymous = declaration.getAnonymousFieldDefinition();
if (anonymous != null) {
GoTypeReferenceExpression typeRef = anonymous.getTypeReferenceExpression();
PsiElement resolve = typeRef != null ? typeRef.resolve() : null;
if (resolve instanceof GoTypeSpec) {
GoTypeSpec typeSpec = (GoTypeSpec)resolve;
GoType type = typeSpec.getSpecType().getType();
if (type instanceof GoStructType) {
else {
for (GoFieldDefinition definition : declaration.getFieldDefinitionList()) {

To better understand the structure of the PSI tree, please use PsiViewer plugin:

It works well, thank you very much!


following code can execute successfully in  gradle runIde mode, but it failed in the unit test mode.

here is the struct type

type OrderHeader struct {
Sku string
BatchNo *string
Seq uint8

type Order struct {
Id int16 `json:"id" db:"name=id, PK"`
CustNo string
BasicInfo OrderHeader `db:"join=Sku, BatchNo"`
OrderNum string
OrderQty int
Price float32


for (declaration in structType.fieldDeclarationList) {
val typeRef =
?: declaration.anonymousFieldDefinition?.typeReferenceExpression

val resolve = typeRef?.resolve()


from the, I found there is always a typeReferenceExpression for both a builtin type(such as string, float32) and struct type.


it works well when it's executed in gradle runIde mode. but this piece of code run into error when I call method from junit.

the error thorws from there

public PsiElement resolve() {
ResolveResult[] resolveResults = multiResolve(false);
return resolveResults.length == 1 ? resolveResults[0].getElement() : null;


below call return null for a simple Type (ID)

ResolveResult[] resolveResults = multiResolve(false);



by the way I am using below BasePlatformTestCase base class from test-framework.jar (


class StructServiceKtTest : BasePlatformTestCase() {

Hm. You code looks valid, so I am not sure what could be wrong. As your plugin is managed by Gradle, could you try to execute the test using Gradle, not JUnit directly?


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