Passing data to an Action
I have my ToolWindowFactory:
class MyToolWindowFactory implements com.intellij.openapi.wm.ToolWindowFactory
In which I have some data, could be a String or an Object
I want to be able to retrieve it at the time my action will execute:
public class RefreshAction extends AnAction {
public void actionPerformed(@NotNull AnActionEvent e) {
// Get data here
In my ToolWindowFactory I have tried to inject data into the `DataContext`:
DataContext dataContext = DataManager.getInstance().getDataContext(toolWindow.getComponent());
DataManager.getInstance().saveInDataContext(dataContext, MyKey, MyData);
However this is not working.
I have also tried to use DataContext in the action itself:
public void actionPerformed(@NotNull AnActionEvent e) {
DataContext dataContext = DataManager.getInstance().getDataContext();
Object hello = DataManager.getInstance().loadFromDataContext(dataContext, DataKeys.LATEST_ERRORS_STATE_SUBJECT);
This did not work either.
Finally I have tried to implement DataProvider:
public class MyToolWindowFactory implements com.intellij.openapi.wm.ToolWindowFactory, DataProvider
And override the method to return some dummy data:
public @Nullable Object getData(@NotNull String dataId) {
return "hello";
This method doesn't even get called.
Now I am quite sure I am missing something and doing something wrong, however there is basically no documentation or examples on this topic, so I am really improvising things.
Is what I want to achieve even possible?
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DataProvider must be implemented by corresponding UI Component, not Toolwindow/Factory. See com.intellij.ui.FinderRecursivePanel#getData as sample implementation.
Hello, any help?
Ok, in the end I took a different simpler approach.
I have just decided to register the action in code rather than via plugin.xml:
and then I have created the action class
This way I can pass anything to my action