Getting StoreProcedures name from databaseTools in 2021.1 API


I've being using Intellij 17 till now & with the lastest update to 2021.1 I needed
to change the code -

DatabaseSystem databaseSystem = getDataSource();
JBIterable<String> jbIterable = databaseSystem.getModel().traverser()
.expand(dasObject -> dasObject instanceof DbPackage || dasObject instanceof DasNamespace)
spNamesMap = jbIterable.toSet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(o -> o, o -> o));
return jbIterable.toSet();

I tried changing the code to -

DasDataSource databaseSystem = getDataSource();
JBIterable<String> jbIterable = databaseSystem.getModel().traverser()
.expand(dasObject -> dasObject instanceof DbPackage || dasObject instanceof DasNamespace)
.map(aseProcedureGroup -> aseProcedureGroup.getProcedures()) // here's the problem
spNamesMap = jbIterable.toSet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(o -> o, o -> o));
return jbIterable.toSet();

With the line marked I have a problem, what's the proper way to get the name in the new API?


In first snippet you were collecting procedure group names:


So I think in new one you should collect them too:

//.map(aseProcedureGroup -> aseProcedureGroup.getProcedures()) // here's the problem

But I suggest you not to use any class that inherits `Basic***` they are generated and we won't keep them compatible in any way.
You'd better to stick to `Das*` interfaces && ObjectKind:

if (databaseSystem.getDbms() != Dbms.SYBASE) return ...
<String> jbIterable = databaseSystem.getModel().traverser()
.expand(dasObject -> dasObject instanceof DasNamespace)
.filter(dasObject -> dasObject.getKind() == ObjectKind.PACKAGE) //procedure groups are packages :)


Thank you for the fast reply, it seems to compile fine, still trying to get a valid runtime test


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