Show file path in find usages window
Is there a setting or way to display the file path in the "Find Usages" window? Currently I only see the file name (which isnt that helpful when many of the filenames are the same, e.g. index.js). I'd like to be able to see the file path to root or even the directory that contains the file (e.g. /ProductDetail/index.js).
Thanks for any help!
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Hi there,
Click on "Group By" button and explore the options there. It does not guarantee that you will have the exact what you are asking for (e.g. there is no Full File Path Tree like in the Project View panel) but it will have enough to see what folder that is.
This is for PHP code from PhpStorm, but it should give you some ideas:
Thanks! That does what I was looking for when I look at the usages in the "Find" window. Using the "Find Usages" shortcut displays an inline "popup" that only shows the file name. I can live with using the Find window to see the path, but it sure would be nice to have this context in the shortcut "popup" (below).

1. Not possible: -- watch that ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress. Only a few votes thus far...
2. You can invoke shortcut for "View | Quick Documentation" action (Ctrl + Q here on Windows) while popup is active and it will show a standard documentation popup window next to Usages Popup -- it shows the file path there. Not the best but at least something.
Maybe its different in Webstorm (2021.1.1) but the view quick docs popup doesnt show this info when the show usages popup is visible. But if I just use the shortcut for view quick docs then I do see the path to source.