How to set IntelliJ IDEA Project SDK
I just installed IntelliJ IDEA and when I try to create my first Project it asks for me to set up the Project SDK. When I click on "JDK" it asks for me to select the home directory of the JDK as shown in this image.
I'm having trouble locating where it is.
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From the main menu, select File | Project Structure | Project Settings | Modules. Select the module for which you want to set an SDK and click Dependencies. If the necessary SDK is already defined in IntelliJ IDEA, select it from the Module SDK list Alaska Employee PET Login
follow these steps to Open IntelliJ IDEA.
Go to "File" > "Project Structure."
Under "Project," locate "Project SDK" and click the dropdown menu.
Select the desired SDK or configure a new one.
Click "Apply" and then "OK" to save the settings.
Best source:oginsta
follow these steps to Open IntelliJ IDEA.
Go to "File" > "Project Structure."
Under "Project," locate "Project SDK" and click the dropdown menu.
Select the desired SDK or configure a new one.
Click "Apply" and then "OK" to save the settings.
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Setting the Project SDK (Software Development Kit) in IntelliJ IDEA is essential for proper compilation and execution of your Java or other JVM-based projects. Here's how you can set it:
1. Open Project Settings:
- Go to "File" > "Project Structure" or press "Ctrl + Shift + Alt + S" (on Windows/Linux) or "Cmd + ;" (on macOS).
2. Select Project SDK:
- In the Project Structure dialog, under "Project Settings," select "Project" from the left sidebar.
- In the "Project SDK" dropdown menu, choose the SDK you want to use for the project. If it's not listed, you may need to add it to bar (see the next step).
3. Add SDK (if not listed):
- If your desired SDK is not listed, click the "New..." button next to the dropdown.
- Choose the appropriate SDK type (e.g., JDK for Java projects) from the list.
- Navigate to the directory where your JDK is installed and select it. Click "OK."
4. **Apply and Close**:
- After selecting or adding the SDK, click "Apply" and then "OK" to close the Project Structure dialog.
Your IntelliJ IDEA project is now configured to use the selected SDK for compilation and execution. If you're working on multiple projects with different SDK requirements, you'll need to set the SDK individually for each project.
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